Taxidermy Services
As well as having hundreds of specimens in stock, we can prepare items to order, subject to carcass availability. We also undertake work on your own animals and birds.
We specialise in pet work. A large selection of these can be seen in our Cats and Dogs Gallery.
All stock specimens are available for hire at economical rates to suit all budgets. We can specially prepare items for your hiring requirements, if you give us enough time. We make Display Cases and Domes to order.
A Repairs and Restoration Service is available.
We do not take into our own stock any animals or birds that have been specifically killed. Exotic specimens come from Zoos and Wildlife Parks, where they die of natural causes. British specimens come from Animal Rescue Centres, as a result of road accidents or insecticide poisoning. We are happy to make substantial donations to these Rescue Centres, which allows them to carry on their valuable work.
We do not take British Wildlife carcasses into our stock from the public on both moral and legal grounds, as we need to be sure of the specimen’s history.
For your peace of mind, our business is run under the umbrella of The International CITES Regulations and the European Wildlife Legislation.
For more information please email us on taxidermy@thegetstuffed.co.uk